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Cannes 2023: Meet director Wang Bing who talks about his film 'Youth (Spring)'
Director Wang Bing talks about his film ‘Youth (Spring)’ - Jeunesse (Printemps) 🪡 🪢 which is competing for the Palme d’Or at @festivaldecannes ✨
Zhili, 150 km from Shanghai. In this city dedicated to textile manufacturing, young workers come from all the rural regions crossed by the Yangtze River. They are in their early twenties, share dormitories and snack in the corridors. They work tirelessly to be able one day to raise a child, buy a house or set up their own workshop. Between them, friendships and love affairs are made and unmade according to the seasons, bankruptcies and family pressures.
#cannes #Cannes2023 #french #palmedor #cinema #china #factory #film
Noticias y premios
Noticias (26)
Wang Bing
Talento francés en vídeo
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